Hello, this is Kato.
It's been warm in Tokyo for a while now, making it hard to believe it's winter, but before we know it, it's already December.
I look back on the past year and think about what I have left undone and what I want to accomplish before the year ends.
Because Komiya Shoten's umbrellas are made from Koshu weaving fabric from Yamanashi Prefecture, they have been selected as a gift in return for donations to the hometown tax payment scheme of Tsuru City, a Koshu weaving production area, and Chuo Ward, where the company and workshop are located.
You can also choose from popular products from Komiya Shoten, such as the ladies' "Kasane" series and the men's "Tachibana" series.
Our products are listed on many sites, including "Satoful," "Rakuten Furusato Nozei," "Furunavi," and "Furusato Choice," so we will introduce some of them on this blog for your reference.
If you would like, please search for "Komiya Shoten" on your favorite hometown tax donation site.
"Kasane" 55cm 8-rib folding umbrella / "Tachibana" 60cm 10-rib folding umbrella Publication site
[Product: kanane558]
"Tachibana" 65cm 8-rib long umbrella (wooden stick) Listing site
[Product: tatibana658]
If you are considering purchasing an umbrella from Komiya Shoten as part of your hometown tax donation, please feel free to use this opportunity.
The temperature differences will become more extreme, so please take care of yourselves.